Join us as we follow Jesus!
Together, we long to become more and more like Jesus, and as a result become the people we were created to be! And our transformed selves are the greatest thing we can offer our hurting world. We believe God has designed this kind of growth to take place in the soil of a church community. We're still figuring this out, but believe Meadowbrook is a place where you also can experience this kind of growth, whether you're not yet following Jesus or have been following Him for decades.
If you're interested in learning more about us or becoming a part of this community, here are some next steps.
Meet Meadowbrook
Meet some of our leaders and get to know Meadowbrook Church at our next Open House. We'll serve lunch, tell you some of our story, what we believe, why we do what we do, and what it's like to be a part of our church. We'll also try to answer any questions you may have. Join us for our next Meet Meadowbrook lunch.
Connect with a Meadowbrook Community
Meadowbrook Communities are multi-generational communities of 8-15 people seeking to become more like Jesus together for the sake of our world. We believe genuine life transformation happens best in community and that our lives becoming more like Jesus is the best thing we can offer our world. They meet either weekly or bi-weekly in the home of a group member. Although each group looks different, they often share meals together, pray together, seek to learn and grow together, serve together, and have a lot of fun together. Learn more about Meadowbrook Communities or Find a Community.
Serve with a Team
The way of Jesus is always life-giving! And giving our time, energy, and resources away to serve others is essential to the way of Jesus. We'd love for you to experience this kind of life through serving others. We have so many opportunities! From serving the little ones in our community to our students, from helping to host our Sunday worship gathering to helping to meet the needs of the vulnerable in our community; there are so many opportunities. Let us know if you'd like to try serving and we'll connect you with the right leader to take this next step!
Become a Meadowbrook Member
The New Testament presents a picture of definable groups of people who, once committed to the Lord, identified themselves with and committed themselves to a particular body. Membership at Meadowbrook Church, then, doesn't mean you "belong"; anyone who calls Meadowbrook their church home belongs to our church. Instead, membership is about an individual saying "You can count on me to be committed to and live out the mission and purpose of this church. I am identifying with this local body of Christ and its mission to serve my community." Learn more about becoming a member.