Ministry Leaders
Our hope is to equip every Meadowbrook member to do the work of ministry in the unique ways God has called them.
Here are some of those leading key Meadowbrook ministries in 2023/2024.
- Preschool & Nursery | Karen Burns
- Meadowbrook K!DS | Nicki Klimisch
- Meadowbrook Students | Grace Erickson, Jonny Innis, & Olivia Koelsch
- Meadowbrook Communities | Micah Fitzpatrick & Ken Flower
- Alpha Course | Glee Jones
- Men's Ministry | Bert Pschunder
- Women's Gatherings & Retreat | Kym Gomez
- Prayer Coodinator | Bill Stewart
- Hospitality & Welcome | Praying for Our Next Leader
- Cafe | Linda Kaczmarek
- Global Mission | Glee Jones
- Local Mission | Judy Chambers
- Hopelink's Avondale Park Partnership | Judy Chambers & Ann Cygan
- Worship Leaders | Jerry Chambers, Stephen Bos, & Victoria Loewen Bos
To connect with one of our leaders, email us at